Rough classification, just for memo:
- Jam Hsiao
- Eason Chan
- Angela Aki
- Rachael Yamagata
- Priscilla Ahn
- Coldplay
Rough classification, just for memo:
The largely obsolete custom of placing coins over a dead person's eyes or in their mouth was done to provide the deceased with money to pay Charon for his services.
In the Greek mythology, Charon (mythology) was the ferryman.
高通(Qualcomm)公司宣佈,該公司 TDD LTE 產品即將邁向商用化,且目前正於2010上海世博會展示使用該項技術產品。展示產品使用高通 MDM92002x2 MIMO 技術,以2.3GHz頻段進行傳輸展示。 解決方案,同時具備 高通的相關產品佈局包括支援 TDD LTE 、整合基頻與射頻的產品,如 MDM9200 。 MDM9200 為首款多模 3G / LTE 單晶片,可同時支援分頻雙工(FDD)與分時雙工(TDD) LTE。首款採用高通晶片的 TDD LTE 產品預計2011年中正式推出。
高通通訊科技無線通訊產品事業群資深副總Cristiano Amon表示,高通承諾協助客戶於2011年推出 TDD LTE 產品。 TDD LTE 技術可協助電信營運商有效運用非對稱頻譜資產,並提供使用者絕佳的行動寬頻體驗。 TDD LTE 的展示與營運商測試將於2010年底進行。
全球先進無線技術、產品及服務創始者暨領導廠商高通(Qualcomm)與Verizon Wireless於2011年國際消費性電子展 (CES) 共同宣布, Verizon Wireless多款 4G LTE裝置,將採用高通Snapdragon MSM8655處理器及MDM9600 LTE數據機晶片組。[4]
標籤: communication
明天將是人生中的一個新起點, C'mon
A hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is an abstraction layer, implemented in software, between the physical hardware of a computer and the software that runs on that computer. Its function is to hide differences in hardware from most of the operating system kernel, so that most of the kernel-mode code does not need to be changed to run on systems with different hardware.
Operating systems having a defined HAL are easily portable across different hardware. This is especially important for embedded systems that run on dozens of different platforms.
The HAL is a lightweight runtime environment that provides a simple device driver interface for programs to connect to the underlying hardware. The HAL application program interface (API) is integrated with the ANSI C standard library. The HAL API allows you to access devices and files using familiar C library functions, such as printf(), fopen(), fwrite(), etc. [3]
標籤: Embedded System