Open代表Open Source,CV為Computer Vision,Computer Vision被廣泛應用在計算機科學及醫學等領域,OpenCV是由Intel公司參與及開發出來的,感謝Intel的Open Source :)。OpenCV支援Windows跟Linux兩種平台,並具有強大的圖形跟矩陣的運算。然而,近幾年OpenCV為人垢病的是,它並不再更新,因此無法提供一些新的演算法。But,這個問題似乎得到了回應,最近OpenCV已經開始在改版了,加入了一些新的函數,像是近年來在電腦視覺領域上,極常被使用及提及的Scale-invariant feature transform(SIFT)。
「Face Detection」
There are numerous researches making efforts toward how to correctly detect faces in digital images. 而OpenCV所使用的方法是由「Viola & Jones」所發表的AdaBoost Learning with Haar-Like Features來實現人臉偵測。下面就簡單介紹一下這個方法:- 首先定義一些Haar-Like Features。
- 再來,我們必須給定一些sample,例如: 假如我們要偵測的是人臉,那麼我們就要輸入一些人臉的sample。有了這些sample,我們將會利用AdaBoost learning algorithm來挑出某幾個代表性的Haar-Like Features,以這個例子來講,我們可以想成這些被挑選出來的feature就是代表人臉的feature。
- 每個被挑選出來的feature都代表一種classifier,許多種被挑選出來的feature因此構成了一連串的classifier,我們稱為strong classifier。而每個classifier皆用來判斷所輸入的圖片是否為人臉,並且回傳「是」或「否」,最後,通過所有classifier的圖片將被判定是一張人臉。
以上就是由Viola與Jones所提出的Object Detection方法,除了人臉,當然它還可以拿來用在其它的物件偵測上,只要我們改變一開始輸入訓練用的sample型態即可。
「Source Code」
OpenCV 有提供Face Detection的source code,不過它註解很少,並且有點難懂,所以我試著修改它,並加上一些註解/* * Face Detection in Digital Photographs * * We leverage the AdaBoost learning-based face detection method with Haar-like features to detect faces in photos. * However, OpenCV supplies Haar Cascade classifier for object (face) detection. * * (C) Matt Swanson & TrekLee * http://seeyababy.blogspot.com/ * */ // Path setting for OpenCV Library #pragma comment(lib,"../OpenCV/lib/cv.lib") #pragma comment(lib,"../OpenCV/lib/cxcore.lib") #pragma comment(lib,"../OpenCV/lib/highgui.lib") // Path setting for OpenCV Header files #include "../OpenCV/include/cv.h" #include "../OpenCV/include/cxcore.h" #include "../OpenCV/include/highgui.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // the minimum object size int min_face_height = 20; int min_face_width = 10; //Face Detection int runFaceDetection(IplImage* image_detect); void main() { IplImage* pImg = cvLoadImage( "image.jpg", 1); runFaceDetection(pImg); cvReleaseImage( &pImg ); } int runFaceDetection(IplImage* image_detect) { // Load the pre-trained Haar classifier data. CvHaarClassifierCascade* classifier = (CvHaarClassifierCascade*)cvLoad("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", 0, 0, 0); // Quit the application if the input source or the classifier data failed to load properly. if( !classifier) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade." << endl; return -1; } // Create a CvMemStorage object for use by the face detection function. CvMemStorage* facesMemStorage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); IplImage* tempFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_detect->width, image_detect->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, image_detect->nChannels); // Copy the current frame into the temporary image. Also, make // sure the images have the same orientation. if(image_detect->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_TL) { cvCopy(image_detect, tempFrame, 0); } else { cvFlip(image_detect, tempFrame, 0); } /* Perform face detection on the temporary image, adding a rectangle around the detected face. */ // "Resets" the memory but does not deallocate it. cvClearMemStorage(facesMemStorage); // Run the main object recognition function. The arguments are: // 1. the image to use // 2. the pre-trained Haar classifier cascade data // 3. memory storage for rectangles around recognized objects // 4. a scale factor "by which the search window is scaled between the // subsequent scans, for example, 1.1 means increasing window by 10%" // 5. the "minimum number (minus 1) of neighbor rectangles that makes up // an object. All the groups of a smaller number of rectangles than // min_neighbors-1 are rejected. If min_neighbors is 0, the function // does not any grouping at all and returns all the detected candidate // rectangles, which may be useful if the user wants to apply a // customized grouping procedure." // 6. flags which determine the mode of operation // 7. the minimum object size (if possible, increasing this will // really speed up the process) CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(tempFrame, classifier, facesMemStorage, 1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(min_face_width, min_face_height)); // If any faces were detected, draw rectangles around them. if (faces) { for(int i = 0; i < faces->total; ++i) { // Setup two points that define the extremes of the rectangle, // then draw it to the image.. CvPoint point1, point2; CvRect* rectangle = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(faces, i); point1.x = rectangle->x; point2.x = rectangle->x + rectangle->width; point1.y = rectangle->y; point2.y = rectangle->y + rectangle->height; cvRectangle(tempFrame, point1, point2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, 8, 0); } } // Show the result in the window. cvNamedWindow("Face Detection Result", 1); cvShowImage("Face Detection Result", tempFrame); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow("Face Detection Result"); // Clean up allocated OpenCV objects. cvReleaseMemStorage(&facesMemStorage); cvReleaseImage(&tempFrame); cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &classifier ); return 0; }
接下來我挑張照片來做個簡單的實驗,下圖是做完人臉偵測,並框出系統判斷為人臉的結果我們可以發現接近右下角的地方有個誤判的情況發生,但不得不說的是,仔細看它真的長的很像一張邪惡的人臉...囧|||...,回歸正題,我們該如何解決這個誤判? 除了加入膚色判斷,或是讓face detector更準確之外,其實有個立即就可以針對這個問題來解決的方法,當我們觀察以下這個函式
CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(tempFrame, classifier, facesMemStorage, 1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(min_face_width, min_face_height));
其中,cvSize(min_face_width, min_face_height)設定被偵測人臉的最小size,上面被誤判為人臉的圖片明顯小於其它正常的人臉,所以我們可以考慮將size放大,看看是否可以解決這個問題,因此我將min_face_height及min_face_width由原本的size各加上10個pixel,重新偵測所得到的結果如下
本篇文章首先介紹了由Viola與Jones所提出的利用AdaBoost Learning with Haar-Like Features來做人臉偵測的方法,並且提供了source code,這份程式改進了OpenCV所提供的source code其難讀(for me)、註解少的缺失,最後,做了一個簡單的實驗及討論。
Coming soon...